Create stunning parallax floating effects with Themify Float theme. Parallax scrolling and overlapping design is a popular web trend as seen on many modern sites such as the Apple website. Import a pre-made layout or design your owns with Themify’s drag & drop Builder, then select the parallax scroll option — no coding required.

Make stunning parallax scrolling effects without coding.

Add gradient background and overlay to increase visual impact of your design.

10+ Pre-designed Demos
For your convenience, we’ve designed some pretty floating demos which you can use. Single click to import a layout, then double click to replace the text and images. It is that simple.
Header Designs
Three header designs are available: top bar, left panel, and right panel. The top bar header can have transparent background. If you don’t want a header, it can be excluded.
2 Menu Styles
Choose whether a minimalistic overlay menu or a traditional horizontal menu.
Мгновенное восстановление поврежденных волос с Diamond Botox
Система восстановления волос с эффектом «ботокса» Diamond Botox возвращает поврежденным волосам молодость и жизненную силу.
Восстановление волос SPA Keratin
Увлажняет и восстанавливает повреждения волоса, вызванные агрессивной окружающей средой и горячими укладками. Возвращает неуправляемым волосам […]
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